Monday, March 21, 2016


 Yesterday my post was about blue cheese, so hopefully this doesn't sound too repetitive, but I had an experience with mold that I feel like I need to write about. As a disclaimer, I am very grossed out by mold. There's just something about it, along with mildew, that I can't stand. Now onto the story.
 I made this putty out of flour, glue, cornstarch, and water a couple weeks ago, and then I put it in a plastic bag. Yesterday I picked up the bag, and noticed that it's smell was quite pungent. After looking at it, I realized that there was mold growing on it, and while it was totally contained in the bag, it still scarred me. While this might not sound that horrible to some people, I just can't stand mold, so I contemplated for a while if I would ever even recover from the horrible experience. While I think that I will, I will probably never get over my fear/grossedoutness of mold. Here is a picture of the horribleness I had to endure:
The sad thing is, I was to scared to look up just mold in general, so I searched a picture of moldy bread because I knew that it  wouldn't be that bad looking. The mold on my putty was much worse than this, but it gets the idea across. 

1 comment:

  1. Nice Slice! Unfortunately, I did google pictures of mold, and feel awful from it (It's Terrible)
