Tuesday, March 22, 2016

My Dogs

My family has two dogs right now; Zippi and Olive.They are both bird hunting dogs, but also pets.  Zippi's name is actually short for Tzippora, which means bird in hebrew. Zippi is a brittany, and we have had her ever since she was a puppy. She used to be crazy and chew things up a lot, but when we got Olive, she calmed down, and now her only big fault is counter surfing a lot.
Here is a picture of her:

Olive will be 1 year old on March 26. I'm so excited for her to be an adult, but she is an adorable puppy, so I'm not quite sure if I want her to grow up. I feel like I have a special connection with her especially, because I spent most of the summer hanging out and watching her, while the rest of my family did other things. Olive gets into a lot of trouble, and we just hired a trainer to snap her into shape. She is a German Shorthaired pointer, and a chewing on things she's not supposed to enthusiast. Here is a picture of her: 


  1. i love olive and zippy! i did not know tzippora meant bird, or that olive's birthday was coming up. happy early birthday olive!

  2. i love olive and zippy! i did not know tzippora meant bird, or that olive's birthday was coming up. happy early birthday olive!
