I can't believe it is the last day of the SOL challenge! I had a lot of fun writing and reading everyone else's posts and comments. Congratulations to everyone who got all 31 days, sadly I only got 30, but if it was April I would have nailed it. I will definitely be trying again next year.
Thursday, March 31, 2016
Wednesday, March 30, 2016
Passover Baking
Passover, for those of you who don't know, is a jewish holiday that will be happening in about 3 weeks. My family always hosts a seder, and we make a lot of desserts. We always make them ahead of time, and today was when we decided to get it done. We made coconut macarons, meringues, sesame cookies, and almond macarons.
Tuesday, March 29, 2016
Just for this week, I have decided to be a vegetarian. I have always been interested in the concept, but always thought that if I tried to become a vegetarian it would be to hard for my mom to cook things I could eat too. My sister Etti has been vegetarian ever since she was little, and usually just makes eggs for herself to go along with dinner, so I thought I would give it a try. So far it has been easy, because we had mac'n cheese for dinner last night, and I am looking forward to the week ahead. I have always loved vegetables, so I don't think this will be to hard, other than the fact that I have been used to eating meat my whole life, so it will be a big change.
Monday, March 28, 2016
Today I saw Zootopia, and it was very good. If you haven't seen it already, it's about a rabbit named Judy Hopps who wants to be a police officer when she grows up. No one believes in her, but she does it anyway and cracks a really big case. I would definitely recommend it, and even though it is designed for kids, adults would probably enjoy it too.
Sunday, March 27, 2016
I'm bored a lot, and I know that a lot of other people are too. If you think about it, boredom is actually doing something, so does it even exist? For example, if you are walking around saying over and over that you need something to do, isn't complaining and walking around doing something. Next time you are bored, just remember being bored is actually doing something.
Saturday, March 26, 2016
Yesterday I totally forgot to post, ending my 24 day streak of Slicing. While I am disappointed that I was not able to do every day in March, I'm still going to keep slicing. It's like this: I know that I won't be able to do every day, but I am still going to try for all but one. I'm not giving up, because I still think I can do it, just minus one day.
Thursday, March 24, 2016
I have a lot of shoes, but there are only two pairs that I really love. They are my black boots. I have two pairs, and I wear one of them almost every day. I think I like them so much because they are so versatile, and look good with almost everything ( not dresses, skirts or shorts though). It also helps that they are black, because it's a color that basically goes with everything.
Wednesday, March 23, 2016
Snow Day and Meteorologists
On the morning of a snow day, my mom always writes me and my siblings notes, and comes into our rooms to put them on our nightstands and turn off our alarms. This all happens at about 5:45 am, after she gets the call from Markus that it's going to be a snow day. Usually I wake up when she comes in, and today was no difference. After she left, I looked out the window and there was barley an inch of snow on the ground. My first thought, was that Colorado was turning into Ohio, the tiniest bit of snow, and everything is closed down. I was very confused, but when I woke up there was almost a foot of snow. To get to the point, it's amazing that meteorologists predicted this much snow. They really are amazing, and maybe some time I will do some more research on them. For now though, I'm just happy we got to skip school today!
Tuesday, March 22, 2016
My Dogs
My family has two dogs right now; Zippi and Olive.They are both bird hunting dogs, but also pets. Zippi's name is actually short for Tzippora, which means bird in hebrew. Zippi is a brittany, and we have had her ever since she was a puppy. She used to be crazy and chew things up a lot, but when we got Olive, she calmed down, and now her only big fault is counter surfing a lot.
Here is a picture of her:

Olive will be 1 year old on March 26. I'm so excited for her to be an adult, but she is an adorable puppy, so I'm not quite sure if I want her to grow up. I feel like I have a special connection with her especially, because I spent most of the summer hanging out and watching her, while the rest of my family did other things. Olive gets into a lot of trouble, and we just hired a trainer to snap her into shape. She is a German Shorthaired pointer, and a chewing on things she's not supposed to enthusiast. Here is a picture of her:
Here is a picture of her:

Olive will be 1 year old on March 26. I'm so excited for her to be an adult, but she is an adorable puppy, so I'm not quite sure if I want her to grow up. I feel like I have a special connection with her especially, because I spent most of the summer hanging out and watching her, while the rest of my family did other things. Olive gets into a lot of trouble, and we just hired a trainer to snap her into shape. She is a German Shorthaired pointer, and a chewing on things she's not supposed to enthusiast. Here is a picture of her:

Monday, March 21, 2016
Yesterday my post was about blue cheese, so hopefully this doesn't sound too repetitive, but I had an experience with mold that I feel like I need to write about. As a disclaimer, I am very grossed out by mold. There's just something about it, along with mildew, that I can't stand. Now onto the story.
I made this putty out of flour, glue, cornstarch, and water a couple weeks ago, and then I put it in a plastic bag. Yesterday I picked up the bag, and noticed that it's smell was quite pungent. After looking at it, I realized that there was mold growing on it, and while it was totally contained in the bag, it still scarred me. While this might not sound that horrible to some people, I just can't stand mold, so I contemplated for a while if I would ever even recover from the horrible experience. While I think that I will, I will probably never get over my fear/grossedoutness of mold. Here is a picture of the horribleness I had to endure:
I made this putty out of flour, glue, cornstarch, and water a couple weeks ago, and then I put it in a plastic bag. Yesterday I picked up the bag, and noticed that it's smell was quite pungent. After looking at it, I realized that there was mold growing on it, and while it was totally contained in the bag, it still scarred me. While this might not sound that horrible to some people, I just can't stand mold, so I contemplated for a while if I would ever even recover from the horrible experience. While I think that I will, I will probably never get over my fear/grossedoutness of mold. Here is a picture of the horribleness I had to endure:
The sad thing is, I was to scared to look up just mold in general, so I searched a picture of moldy bread because I knew that it wouldn't be that bad looking. The mold on my putty was much worse than this, but it gets the idea across.
Sunday, March 20, 2016
Blue Cheese
I hate blue cheese. For one thing, it smells awful. I mean, I have to be approximately 3 feet away from it at all times or the smell makes me gag. The concept of blue cheese also really grosses me out. It's like how some people can't eat mushrooms, because they can't stand the thought that they are eating a fungus. It's the same thing for me with blue cheese. It just grosses me out so much to think about eating mold. While some cheeses like brie have mold as the rind, in blue cheese it is very visible and apparent, so it makes it that much more disgusting. I have never actually eaten blue cheese, so I can't say that I don't like the way it tastes, but I definitely don't like the concept of it, or the smell.
Saturday, March 19, 2016
Snowy Wonderland
The wind is cold on my face, turning my nose red and biting at the tips of my ears. The sky is a pale gray color, and small flakes float down from it like angels sent to melt on the tip of my tongue. All the trees are dusted with a delicate white, and only a few lone blades of grass poke up from the blanket that covers everything. Around me, small children play, sliding this way and that on the slippery ice that is embellished everywhere. Today is a magical day, where everyone is having fun and playing in the snow. Little girls pretend to be fairies, and boys roll down hills. This is what life should be. A magical wonderland, where everyone is peaceful and having fun.
Friday, March 18, 2016
Sitting While Getting My Hair Done
For the play, my older sister Etti has been doing my hair for me. At the moment that I am typing this she is curling my hair, and spraying approximately 5 gallons of hair spray in it. In the end it will turn out looking pretty good, but right now it is only half curled, so it looks quite interesting. My hair is too long for the 1940's look that Genny asked for, so it is not as good as some peoples, but it will be okay. This is what it is supposed to look like:
This is more what it looks like:
This is more what it looks like:
Thursday, March 17, 2016
The Little Mermaid
Tonight was our first show, and it went really well. Apart from a few small mishaps, the show went smoothly, and the audience seemed to like it. I am so proud of all my fellow actors and actresses, and even though it's just a middle school play, I know it means a lot to a lot of people. I'm so excited to do it again tomorrow, and I know we are going to do even better the second time around.
Wednesday, March 16, 2016
Plastic, metal, wood, and rubber. These are the materials we put in the cupboard. Twine, rope, wire, and string. These are the things we use to tie things. Oh so helpful, oh so important. What would we do without this assortment?
Tuesday, March 15, 2016
Window Shades
Window shades seem like a good idea, but my question is this. Do they actually work? Recently when I was working at the computer in my classroom, the sun was shining in my face and making it hard to see. I looked up to see if I could pull the window shade down, and guess what? It was already. Then I was really annoyed because it wasn't doing it's job. So after you read this, ponder if window shades actually work.
Monday, March 14, 2016
The Night Sky
To me, one of the most relaxing things is being outside in the wilderness, on a summer night, staring at the stars. Once your eyes get used to the darkness, and your ears start to take in all the sounds, it is a magical experience that melts away stress. It is also a great activity on overnights, and one that I have immensely enjoyed many times. As I sit here tonight, looking out at the stars I wish it was warm, and I was out of the city lying on the ground staring up at them.
Sunday, March 13, 2016
The Journey of a Balloon
I float through the sky, unaware that there is a kid crying because I flew away from their small delicate hands. I blow in the wind, making progress on my expedition. Where will my journey take me? I will float for days, before I land in the unmindful arms of a tall tree, and then my journey will be over. I will pop, and decompose into the earth forever, forgotten, unseen, and unsuspecting of where my journey will be to next.
Saturday, March 12, 2016
Scotch Tape
Oh so sticky
oh so clear
I hope my scotch tape, is always near
it hangs up posters
it fixes rips
scotch tape can be used,
for so many tricks
oh so clear
I hope my scotch tape, is always near
it hangs up posters
it fixes rips
scotch tape can be used,
for so many tricks
Friday, March 11, 2016
Why Rice is Great
Rice is so versatile, and it is delicious too. Not only can you eat it with just about everything, but it is delicious in meatballs, soups, and many other things. This is literally the renaissance man of all foods. My favorite thing about rice especially, is that it has such a subtle flavor so you can eat it plain, or pair it with other things.
Thursday, March 10, 2016
Recently I have started wearing my Toms again, and they really need to be replaced. There are holes in both toes, and the fabric on the inside is partially missing. How do I manage to still wear these you ask? Simple, socks. Recently I went to the Vans store and got some socks that are shorter than normal socks, but longer than the socks people wear with flats. This way, my toes are protected, and I can still wear these shoes.
Wednesday, March 9, 2016
Ode to Amelia
Tall and perky
blond and kind
loves broadway
and her spry's
wrote a hit song
started learning tap
Amelia is so much plus all that
blond and kind
loves broadway
and her spry's
wrote a hit song
started learning tap
Amelia is so much plus all that
Tuesday, March 8, 2016
Blond and green eyed
petite and pretty
politically involved
and loves Patrick Henry
her favorite book is Fable Haven
her favorite drink is coffee
there's only one person this could be and it's Haden!
petite and pretty
politically involved
and loves Patrick Henry
her favorite book is Fable Haven
her favorite drink is coffee
there's only one person this could be and it's Haden!
Monday, March 7, 2016
My Favorite Color
My favorite color is very hard to explain. It's sort of like salmon, mixed with coral, mixed with peach. I'm not sure why I like it so much, it's just so soft, and beautiful. I started liking it about 2 years ago in Sarah's class, because she had this watch and the band was so pretty. I had been switching around with my favorite colors, so I decided that it would be my new chosen color. To this day, I still love it, and it will probably always be my most favorite.
Here is about what it looks like:
Here is about what it looks like:
Sunday, March 6, 2016
Peanut Butter
Recently I have started eating more peanut butter, and it has become one of my favorite foods. There is something about that I just love so much, wether I'm eating with apple, in a sandwich, or off of the spoon. It is also quite healthy, except for the high fat content because of the oil from the peanuts.
Saturday, March 5, 2016
past tense: miffed; past participle: miffed
- annoy."she was slightly miffed at not being invited"This is the definition of miffed, which is my favorite word. I don't know what it is, but it just has such a great sound to it, and an even better meaning. Next time you are mad, just say " I am miffed," and I promise you will feel better.
Friday, March 4, 2016
Tea is nice
so is rice
it is cool
like going to school
learning is fun
so is learning to run
cinnamon bun
Thursday, March 3, 2016
Pumpkin Dilemma
Since we didn't have to go to school today, I took advantage of the time this morning and made pumpkin chocolate chip pancakes with my brother. We had some leftover pumpkin, so I looked up what fruits would pair well with it. The search came up with pear, apples, and cranberries, but I wonder if pumpkin would go well with other things. When I think about it, it doesn't have a very strong flavor, so shouldn't it be a more versatile ingredient. After pondering it for a while I decided that maybe pumpkin and carrot could go together because they both have subtle flavors and go with some of the same spices.
Tuesday, March 1, 2016
The Sky
The sky is such a weird thing. I love it when you're in an airplane, flying through the clouds, but I still can't figure out one thing. What is the sky. Is it the clouds, or is it outer space? What is it actually? While I have never spent a lot of time pondering this, it suddenly came to me that it is possible the sky is not real. In reality, it is only a reflection of the ocean, so how does the sky work, and how did it come to be what we know now?
Monday, February 29, 2016
My Interest in Robert Stroud
So this is my first blog post, and I decided I am going to write about my spring unit, which is Alcatraz. I'm not really sure what sparked my curiosity, but I have always been interested in people like Al Capone, and he is well known for spending time at Alcatraz, so I thought I would give it a try. So far I have learned a lot about the prison, and I am excited to learn about one man in particular, Robert " The Birman of Alcatraz" Stroud, who was arrested for murdering a bartender, and during his many years in Alcatraz up until he died, he did a lot of research on birds, and wrote two books. He is also one of Alcatraz's most famous inmates, and I look forward to learning about him more.
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